Somethings are better of the Old fashion way

Posted by Unknown on 23:48

I saw a letter that was made for me a couple of years back, and it had me thinking (no, not that reminisce the past thinking) which is better? The old fashioned mail where you write on a piece of paper and send it with all the perfumes that you can find, or those stationery’s that are scented to that special someone, or the fast and hassle free way of writing which is just like this.. Writing on the internet or using the Microsoft word, where if you make a mistake you can just delete it unlike the old fashioned one where a simple wrong spelling would make you do it all over again? So which is which?

I don’t know about you guys but for me I’d still go with the classics on with the stationery’s and the perfumes, because first of all effort really does count. I mean it may take like forever to make, especially if you have a very bad hand-writing such as myself, but it’s different when you read it in a actual letter and knowing that every word was carefully written (forgive me for creeping you out) than that over the Internet mail right? It holds more value than the regular email; I guess that settles it then. I better put this letter back before I remember the distant past.. (Cheese ball)

Call me an old-fashion kind of guy. :)


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